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The Cavern Commission


Here are a couple galleries of pics of the Cavern Set Commission I just finished painting and sealing.

The contents of this massive set are:

  • 5 Cavern Sets as I've had listed for a year or longer. :)

  • And 2 14x14 inch tiles! (These are in the foreground of several pictures. see if you can pick them out. They are painted with spots of green cavern rock, which the rest of the set is not painted with. I painted them for use on my table top, and used them here because I've already packed the 2 that were commissioned!)

  • A near uncountlable number of Accessories: but of course I counted them at 172.

  • 122 Modular Tiles

  • 150 Walls.

  • 1514 sq inches of play area

Now. The 4th pic above shows the 14x14 tile well. Actually 2 of them, each of them together is 14x14"x2 = 392 sq inches.

The entire design of my original cavern set only had ~200+ sq inches in it! This nearly doubles it! Which is great, like I wrote in a prior post.

So with some amount of haste, I'll be redesigning the entire cavern set offering in the cavern set bulk discount page to bring you larger caverns!!

Below are a variety of pics 70+ that I've taken over the course of the last week or so. Please Enjoy!

I actually painted so many colums, doors and placeables I didnt place them all on the lagre cavern maze I set up for most if the pics below. It just didn't feel like I needed them.


We Tinker! You Play!

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