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The END is near!


The End of the Arduous process of making the 8” Round tower that will stand more than two feet tall is in it’s end stage. The masters are made and the first pour of the mold for the first floor was a success.

This is understatement at it’s finest. the complexity of this mold begins to move the hobbyist into the expert. The piece is large; The largest single cast this mad genius has attempted. The first floor piece is about 8” wide and 4-5 inches high. The first floor has 1 door way, five windows and a stairway leading to the second floor! So, these windows and doorway posed the largest challenge as a single cast. They required a thin shim applied between the windows to prevent the silicone from adhering to itself when poured. This was tricky And I had to try it a couple times Before I just took the gamble and did the windows. The ‘experts’ like you to use an epoxy which I did use, BUT I am not convinced it was essential to success. I think a different material could be used when making a 2 part Mold. Nevertheless this block mold took A LOT of silicone. Which for my purposes is OK since I intend to reproduce it. This isnt something I would do for casual use for a piece so large. Aka the entire tower.

And now that I have a couple lessons learned from this exploratory endeavor I will commence with a slightly different methodology for the subsequent molds for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th levels. I um... used half the silicone for the first mold and need to stretch it out to the rest of the mold. *shame*

Nonetheless this achievement Is Epic to have achieved as a single pour! the time savings can NOT be understated. Seriously. This is EPIC!

Courtesy of the Goblin Tinker

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