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Da’Shop! My most popular piece.


Updated: Feb 25, 2021

I’ve been making da’Shop for almost a year now and it’s my best selling piece. It was my second building I made molds for. So I painted another one because its got something going for it!

I sell da’Shop for 65$ or in that range depending on how many accessories or how difficult it was to paint. i switch up the paint schemes cause I get bored with the same colors. BUT If you have a specific color in mind send me an email at and I’ll paint it. *grin* that would be swell.

This paint job was a variation on the earth tone liked by Bruce Hirst, who I am a licensed reseller for. He makes some fantastic stuff and I Am very pleased with how well my creations turn out based on his creative genius.

I happened to actually post to the Table Top Crafters Guild on facebook one side of the building painted because I wasn’t sure I liked the color. But it’s turned out better than I thought. The base paint is a milk chocolate brown covered in pumpkin, and lathered with a cream drybrush..... its a pumpkin latte. *ahem*

It’s roof is a gray tone with tapestry wine spotted on a number of shingles as well as a lighter gray, and then drybrushed with a light dolphin grey. The wood panels are the same brown as the walls and then dry-brushed with a light orange paint to bring out the detail of the grain.

The floor of the shop is again the same brown and light orange, but has a black wash applied to it. It looks smashing pumpkins. No, I’m not out of bad dad puns yet.

The doors are painted the same as the floor but have a heavy silver drybrush on the hinges.

The base is covered in felt for smooth play on The table, and the roof has two thin pieces of felt that line it where it meets and sets on the walls!

Whew! Its been a furious week of painting and this was my favorite experiment in painting a new earth tone. I hope you like it Enough to make it yours!!!


We Tinker! You Play! PS. I included the tower in the pictures because they are painted VERY similarly. The tower has tapestry wine blocks painted into its stones in a random pattern and both pieces look great together. FYI. Its also for sale. *hint hint*

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