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A new 3” Round Tower!


This painted piece comes with a couple accessories. It’s an 8” high tower that is 3 separate pieces. The top, the middle ad bottom. Figures can be placed inside each level.

I will be posting this to ebay once I’ve sealed it with a matte finish.

I’ll be asking for 35$. PM me if you want dibs...

I also will be selling unpainted towers for less than that If you have a little Tinker in you too, and want to paint it yourself! Or I can paint it for you. Just PM me and We can sort the proper color for your campaign! My email is!

This piece was painted with a milk chocolate brown base. A pumpkin second coat, and a dry brush of a light cream or tan. A white dry-brush was applied on top of that to bring out more of the detail!

It is a very robust earth toned color but with a slightly more orangish hue That seeps from underneath the dry-brush layer.

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